Friday, October 27, 2006


In the last several weeks, a number of peace cranes have come to roost in various locations around Chester County... Wegman's, Blockbuster Video, the Chester County Library, Kimberton Whole Foods, Oasis mini mart.. and other spots in West Chester and Philadelphia. (Thanks S.C!!)

I have debated about whether or not to leave any kind of mark on these little gifts, but I have to admit that I am curious as to whether folks are taking notice... and perhaps are curious too.

So, if you are reading this, chances are you have found a little bird in an unexpected place, and managed to read my scrawl on the wing. (bless you!) If you go to my first post (about my 9/11 birthday) you'll see the reason why you came across a peace crane perched gently atop your box of Lucky Charms, or stuck on under your windshield wiper, or nestled between the pages of Bill O'Reilly's "Culture Warrior". Hopefully it brought a smile to your face.. and perhaps a similar desire to leave folded paper cranes or some similar tokens of peace (that might be easier to fold) around your neighborhood. If so, then my intention was fulfilled. (And if you would, add a post here and let me know where you found one..)

Meanwhile, there are many more cranes about to hatch here in the nest and will soon take flight, hopefully to travel far and wide, spreading their message of peace for the world. Wow, I think they would look just beautiful perched in the many Christmas trees on display right now... don't you?

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