Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Violence on My Behalf

Pulling up behind an SUV today, I was perplexed by a bumper sticker which read:

"We sleep peacefully in our beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf."

Wow. I mean, WOW.

Now, this is a quote, I was soon to discover, attributed to George Orwell. (There was some small dispute to that end as well, but that's another story.) Since reading this line, I've been trying to ascertain its intent. If Orwell was indeed the author, I can assume that its meaning may have been tinged with irony.

However, the original context in which I came across this message.. without attribution, but placed beneath another sticker which read: "Support Our President, Support Our Troops"... gave it a slightly different meaning, as you can imagine.

Either way, I think my emotional response would be the same. I do happen to sleep peacefully, blessedly peacefully, each night, knowing full well there are willing people doing violence; and unwilling people being killed as a result. I have been reminded through a variety of phrasings and admonitions that I should be grateful for my freedom earned through bloodshed.

What can I say to that?

Can I be sure that my way of life could have been gained through less violent means? Is there a way I can request for violence NOT to be done on my behalf, please? And be prepared for whatever may come as a result?

How, then, shall I read that quote.. as an accusation of ingratitude, or of complicity?

(My immediate response: leaving a small peace crane in the dish soap aisle of Wegman's, while I ponder this some more...)


Jon said...

Interesting ... in pondering this, it may be useful to consider the motives of members of the American Sheepdogs/Chester County Victory Movement, the local pro-war activists.

The sheep analogy is abhorrent to me, of course, but it does give some insight into the thinking of the people displaying that bumper sticker.

onlyhuman said...

Thanks for this. I think I had a pretty good idea of the thinking behind the use of that message in such a way. I've encountered it before.

I must say, I stand in admiration of such conviction... such unwavering clarity about the line between the "bad guys" and the 'warriors', and the surety that 'one can walk into the heart of darkness... and walk out unscathed." I would think that is a rare individual.

I, myself, lack the skill to discern the fundamental difference between 'evil' violence and 'righteous' violence. Worse yet, I struggle with the internal conflict as to how dependent I may really be on people who wouldn't think twice about killing another to protect me.

I guess that makes me a sheep.
