Monday, March 24, 2008

Peace activism comes in many forms

Taking to the streets is one way to bear witness to the cause of peace, but there are many other ways -- many small actions we can throughout the day, every day to widen the circle, and start living as though world peace were a reality here and now (which it is... we just have to choose to live like it.)

- Think before speaking.
- Simplify your life.
- Let the other person go first.
- Smile at anyone who meets your eyes.
- Listen.
- Call that friend or family member you've been meaning to.
- Turn off the tv.
- Assume good intentions on the part of the other.
- Seek clarity.
- Clean up your messes.
- Forgive someone.
- Forgive yourself.
- Chew your food well (trust me on this one..!)
- Help out a friend, or better yet, a stranger.
- Express appreciation and gratitude at every opportunity.
- Pay attention to your feelings.
- Just pay attention.
- Hug.
- Hug more.
- Take responsibility (but avoid guilt)
- See yourself in someone else, and vice versa.
- Believe that there's enough for everyone, if we share.
- Find something to laugh about as often as possible (try looking in the mirror!)
- Realize that everyone, and I mean Everyone, has the same basic wants and needs as
you do.
- Extend your wishes to everyone that they will have those wants and needs met,
regardless of your feelings about them.
- Choose being kind over being right.
- Whatever it is, let it go.
- Suspend judgment whenever possible.
- Be totally present when saying good-bye, even if it will only be for a short time.
- Have faith that every little thing you do makes a difference.
- Breath in.
- Breathe out.

Anything else?


Anonymous said...

I love it!

onlyhuman said...

Thank you!!! Pass it around...(please)